A tribute to grandparents
Have a look at the picture above and comment on what it suggests to you, what memories, if any, come to your mind when you see the three characters in it.
Next, read the article entitled Friendship in old age.
Surprised at what you have just read? Do you think the film will have an important message to send? If so, which one?
Next, watch the trailer below and learn more about it all following the link to the film website.
What do you think the film is about?
Now listen to Peter Bradshaw, a British writer and film critic. He has already enjoyed the film and is telling us what it is about.
Were you right?
Get some more glimpses of Wrinkles and think of your grandparents, your memories of them, an outstanding episode in your lives, what the value of their wrinkles is, what they have taught you, what you have learnt from them, and any other detail that pays a tribute to grandparents.
And finally, the warmest task, which consists of pinning about your grandparents onto our Pinterest Wall: The Value of Wrinkles.
Add your pin with a picture and your tribute; grandparents and their wrinkles deserve it!
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